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Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Danish by Vibeke Kloth. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...
My name is Vibeke Kloth and I am a Pro-Touch Ambassador in Denmark. My video demonstration is of the Lizzie Ladybird ‘Peace’ massage story. I have trained in the Story Massage Programme and positive touch activities for children with Mary Atkinson here in Denmark some years ago, so I was happy to have the opportunity to be part of the Pro-Touch Movement.
I live in the outskirts of Copenhagen and work full time in my own clinic. I use Reflexology, Muscular Reflexology, Massage therapy, Nervereflexology when I treat people who come to my clinic. My website is
I am also a certified M®technique practitioner and treat palliative patients as well as stressed people with this beautiful soft technique. Every day I work with people of all ages. I use touch – feet as well as body. When the body is stressed, it brings calmness and brightens the sparkle in the eyes of the person receiving a treatment.
I volunteer on the board of my Reflexology organization, tkz Foreningen ( and also participate as one of our representatives in RAB-Forum ( a Danish umbrella organization of therapists and in RIEN Reflexology in Europe Nexus.
You can support the Pro-Touch Movement by taking a Pro-Touch Pledge here –
… and/or purchasing our fundraising merchandise here –
Thank you so much!