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Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in German by Rena Kato. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...
My name is Rena Kato. I am originally from Japan, but currently living and working in Frankfurt, Germany. My video demonstration of the Lizzie Ladybird ‘Peace’ massage story is in German. I am grateful to my friends for helping me with the translation. Although my German is far from perfect, I hope that it helps to spread this amazing massage story around the world.
I trained in massage in Chichester, in the South of England and met Mary Atkinson and her family. We worked together for a Japanese charity called Cocoro which supported victims of the earthquake and tsunami in 2011. We used aromatherapy and massage stories to help bring comfort and peace to children and adults who were suffering emotional health issues in the aftermath of the tsunami.
I now work as a therapist, translator, and artist. My therapy sessions are a fusion of European and Asian styles. And I love to tailor each treatment to suit each individual client. This is my website:
It is very important to have positive touch in our society. It helps people to connect mentally and physically. We all need this warm feeling.
You can support the Pro-Touch Movement by taking a Pro-Touch Pledge here –
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Thank you so much!