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Feel free to follow along and share this beautiful Story Massage for Younger Children, demonstrated in Japanese by Tomoyo Nozaki. The accompanying documents are all available free of charge in the Childrens Resources Library back on the Home Page. Let's spread peace and love around the world with Lizzie Ladybird...
My name is Tomoyo Nozaki and I’m a complementary therapist living in Kobe, Japan. As a Touch Care Therapist, I offer a variety of massages for people of all ages and abilities, including the Story Massage Programme.
As part of my life's work, I work with children with special needs, including those in medical care, in a hospital for children with SMID (severe motor and intellectual disabilities), as well as teaching touch care to families for their own children and for siblings.I have been sharing the benefits of touch care at events and as a volunteer in schools and other settings in the UK and Japan.
The rapid changes in the environment surrounding children in recent years have unknowingly put them under stress. It can also be difficult for them to express their feelings in words. At such times, touch can increase their sense of security, joy of being cared for and satisfaction.
Even if you don't want to go as far as touch care, touching is very important. When you are scared, lonely or anxious, a hug from someone you love, such as your mother, can reassure you.
Depending on the age and type of child, this may include hugging, cuddling, holding hands, placing hands on the back or shoulders, or rubbing an appropriate part of the body, tickling, high-fiving...
Touch can also touch the heart as well as the body. Even if you don't touch them directly, just staying close to them can be effective. I love to see the change in the children as they calm down, their self-esteem improves and their smiles light up.
My blog is:
and my Facebook page is:
You can support the Pro-Touch Movement by taking a Pro-Touch Pledge here –
… and/or purchasing our fundraising merchandise here –
Thank you so much!