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Meet The Real Alfie and Jessie Oct 10, 2024

Meet The Real Alfie and Jessie

For those that are enjoying our Lizzie Ladybird Massage Stories for younger children, you will have read about Lizzie's "Kindness Buddies", Alfie and Jessie. Did you know that Alfie and Jessie are not just fictional characters, but based on two very dear companion animals? Read on to find out more...

Meet The Real Alfie and Jessie

For those that are enjoying our Lizzie Ladybird Massage Stories for younger children (please see our Resources For Children Library to download the follow-along videos and accompanying instructions) - you will have read about Lizzie's "Kindness Buddies", Alfie and Jessie. Alfie and Jessie are not just fictional characters, but based on two very dear companion animals.

Meet Alfie -

Alfie is a black and white shorthaired cat, with a sense of mischief. He lives with Pro-Touch Movement Founder, Lizzie Badger. He loves to play and is his happiest in a cardboard box. He can hardly wait for it to be put on the floor, without jumping in! He wasn't always this way though. He had a very tough start in life as a kitten - unwanted and lost for over 3 days during repetitive nights of firework celebrations - he'd also been faught/injured before being found nearly a mile away, parched. bewildered and injured. He still sometimes get anxious with loud bangs and noises, but is getting braver every year.

Alfie’s mantra would be: “Never give up. You will find a way through”.

Meet Jessie -

Jessie was a gentle rescue greyhound who loved walking in woodland and bathing in the Thames.  She lived a long and happy life with Claire Mendelsohn, Founder of Cuddle Professionals International. A 40mph couch potato, she enjoyed crazy, burst-of-energy “zoomies” followed by hours relaxing on the sofa or in one of her many beds, long legs akimbo in classic greyhound repose. Says Claire "Her eyes saw my soul and mine saw hers.  Jessie lived her every moment fully present, and she taught me to humbly attempt to do the same. She is terribly missed."

Jessie’s mantra: “Live in the Now, Live Fully, Live Gently”.

If you would like your own companion animal to be a Lizzie Ladybird character in one of our future stories, then please post a picture of your pet with their name, and why they would make a good "buddy" with Alfie and Jessie - on our facebook post by clicking here.