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{{ Checkout.Stage > 1 ? 'Checkout' : 'Basket' }}

{{ item.Size !== null ? "(" + item.Size + ") " : "" }} {{ item.Price | currency:"£" }} {{ item.IncVAT ? 'inc. VAT' : 'plus VAT' }}
{{ item.Quantity }}
{{ (item.Price * item.Quantity) | currency: "£" }}
Sub total
{{ fnGetBasketSubTotal() | currency: "£" }}
{{ fnGetBasketVAT() | currency: "£" }}
{{ fnGetBasketTotal() | currency: "£" }}
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{{ CheckoutVm | json }}
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{{ Checkout | json }}

{{ item.Price | currency: "£" }}

{{ item.Quantity }}

{{ (item.Price * item.Quantity) | currency: "£" }}

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{{ delivery.Cost | currency:"£" }} ({{ delivery.Courier.Name }})
{{fnGetBasketVAT() | currency: "£" }}
Delivery (change)
{{ Checkout.Delivery.Cost | currency: "£" }}
{{ StoreCredit.Message }}
Enter amount
{{ Checkout.FinalTotal | currency: "£" }}
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{{ CheckoutVm }}
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{{ $root.User.FirstName }} {{ $root.User.LastName }} ({{ $root.User.Role.Name }})

{{ $root.User.Username }}

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{{ SearchStatus }} {{ Results.length }} {{ Results.length === 1 ? "result" : "results " }}

{{ result.Url }}
{{ result.Title }}

{{ result.Description | limitTo: 40 }}

Take a Pledge – become a Pro-Touch Ambassador!

Can you help us to spread the word and make a difference? Simply take one, two or all three pledges and be given a choice of professional logos, social media banners, sponsor form, poster, 31 social media memes, press release template and marketing/promotional ideas e-book – all completely FREE.


This is the most straightforward option – as everything can be done online and at zero expense!

  • Feel free to access and share any of the content in our free online Pro-Touch library. This was set up in collaboration with a wide range of UK-based therapy experts in 2018 and updated every year. It currently contains 57 mini videos, blogs, benefits and client testimonials covering a huge selection of the different hands-on and connection therapies that are available. From massage to facials to acupressure, from Bowen to reiki, from shiatsu to soul midwives to kinesiology – over 25 different modalities! Come have a look, learn and share away.
  • We also have our wonderful free online Therapies For Cancer library. It was a privilege to put this together in collaboration with the NHS Trust, Harrogate and District, under the direction of the multi-award winning oncology expert therapist Gwyn Featonby. There are 41 items you can read, watch, learn and freely share from this great resource too.
  • Added in 2022, we’re so excited to bring you our super important Resources For Children (free) library. It’s been a delight to work alongside Mary Atkinson – Co-Founder of Story Massage For Children – and bring you two follow-along children’s’ massage stories and a self-care massage story for adults too! Lizzie Ladybird paves the way for kindness and touch – and behind everything is the essential consent to touch and be touched. You’ll absolutely LOVE this. Suitable for all ages and abilities and within a wide variety of settings – schools, special needs groups, Brownies/Cubs and children’s activity groups, Sunday School and multi-faith groups to within your own home. Enjoy the uplifting stories and bring touch and kindness back into the hearts of our next generation…
  • Share our Blogs from the main website. The first Blog we have added is all about consent to touch. This is such an essential topic and important to reiterate far and wide. This campaign is far from giving random free hugs to strangers (although that is of course acceptable and fun if both parties are happy to consent/permission is gained first)! We will be adding very many more as part of this campaign, including caring for your hands, ethics of touch, a DIY Facial, posture for therapists, all about touch deprivation, massage techniques from around the globe and many more. Keep checking in! Of course share your own educational Blogs or others that have inspired you – and we are happy to share your own content and/or feature you as a guest blogger too – just email the URL link of your Blog/article with any supporting info to our Founder, Lizzie Badger – Thank you. X
  • Social Media and online activities can make a huge difference – not only to raise awareness for this campaign, but for your own business and/or good cause! When you sign up to a pledge(s), you will have immediate free access to all of the following –
    • National Massage Day – website banner, National Massage Day – facebook cover, National Massage Day – square logo/meme, Pro-Touch Awareness Month – website banner, Pro-Touch Awareness Month – facebook banner, Pro-Touch Awareness Month – square logo/meme, Pro-Touch Awareness Month – Instagram image, Pro-Touch Ambassador - square logo/meme, Pro-Touch Movement - square logo/meme, Pro-Touch Movement – Fundraising Poster, Pro-Touch Movement - Sponsor Form, Pro-Touch Movement - 38 Marketing/Promotional ideas and tips ebook, 31 Massage, touch and connection memes for social media.
  • Facebook Community. Please come and join our public facebook community – National Massage Day and Pro-Touch Awareness to enjoy and share our articles, free events, give-aways and competitions. We also encourage everyone to share their own Pro-Touch ideas, photos and activities – it’s truly inspiring to see the difference everyone is making and the many good causes and individuals that are benefitting. We have over 3000 predominantly UK members in the group now, and so want to expand this much further – and globally. Come and join us and invite all of your friends and colleagues too!

favorite_border Take the pledge

Take a pledge

Thank you for your support. Please confirm your choices and add your email address so we can send you your FREE resources.


Thank you!

Thank you for your support an email has been sent with a link to your FREE resources.