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{{ Checkout.Stage > 1 ? 'Checkout' : 'Basket' }}

{{ item.Size !== null ? "(" + item.Size + ") " : "" }} {{ item.Price | currency:"£" }} {{ item.IncVAT ? 'inc. VAT' : 'plus VAT' }}
{{ item.Quantity }}
{{ (item.Price * item.Quantity) | currency: "£" }}
Sub total
{{ fnGetBasketSubTotal() | currency: "£" }}
{{ fnGetBasketVAT() | currency: "£" }}
{{ fnGetBasketTotal() | currency: "£" }}
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We are donating {{ CharitableDonation | currency:"£" }} from your order to our good causes.

{{ CheckoutVm | json }}
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{{ Checkout | json }}

{{ item.Price | currency: "£" }}

{{ item.Quantity }}

{{ (item.Price * item.Quantity) | currency: "£" }}

Please choose a delivery option.

{{ delivery.Cost | currency:"£" }} ({{ delivery.Courier.Name }})
{{fnGetBasketVAT() | currency: "£" }}
Delivery (change)
{{ Checkout.Delivery.Cost | currency: "£" }}
{{ StoreCredit.Message }}
Enter amount
{{ Checkout.FinalTotal | currency: "£" }}
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A summary of your order has been sent via email.

We will let you know as soon as your order has been despatched.

{{ CheckoutVm }}
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{{ $root.User.FirstName }} {{ $root.User.LastName }} ({{ $root.User.Role.Name }})

{{ $root.User.Username }}

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Type of account

person Congratulations! Your account has been created.

Before you continue with your purchase please tell us how you intend to use your account.

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heart_plus Affiliate account

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shopping_bag Retail account

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{{ SearchStatus }} {{ Results.length }} {{ Results.length === 1 ? "result" : "results " }}

{{ result.Url }}
{{ result.Title }}

{{ result.Description | limitTo: 40 }}

Take a Pledge – become a Pro-Touch Ambassador!

Can you help us to spread the word and make a difference? Simply take one, two or all three pledges and be given a choice of professional logos, social media banners, sponsor form, poster, 31 social media memes, press release template and marketing/promotional ideas e-book – all completely FREE.


Over the years, we have had so many therapists volunteer for the first time – usually just a day or half day at a local care home, hospital or hospice. Without fail, the reward and pleasure it gives us to help those less fortunate than ourselves, or at the end of their lives, makes it worth every second. So many have made it a regular part of their monthly offerings now. It’s been wonderful to see. Could it be you?

  • Therapists: Whether you are in the beauty, massage, holistic or mental health sectors matters not. Even just an hour of your services, and even if as a one-off in the month of October (Pro-Touch Awareness Month), your kindness helps someone feel better about themselves – when they would have no means to access you otherwise. Reach out to a local care service that’s meaningful to you.
  • Charities: Many therapists in the beauty sector have volunteered for the Look Good Feel Better charity – working with people going through treatment for cancer.
  • Parents, Schools and Children’s Groups: Access the free Children’s Resources library – and run a Lizzie Ladybird story massage session at your local school, special needs group, Brownies/Cubs or children’s activity group, Sunday School or multi-faith group – or just within your own home. Enjoy the uplifting story and bring touch and kindness back into the hearts of our next generation… it would sit perfectly alongside a fundraising event for the children to run too (such as a car wash or cake sale).
  • Volunteer Therapist Hub: Therapists are welcome to request to join the peer support facebook group – set up by Pro-Touch Founder, Lizzie Badger, in March 2015. There are now nearly 2000 UK members and we’d love to hear from you!

favorite_border Take the pledge

Take a pledge

Thank you for your support. Please confirm your choices and add your email address so we can send you your FREE resources.


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Thank you for your support an email has been sent with a link to your FREE resources.